Detailed design work on the Hero Way road improvements project in Leander is now scheduled to wrap up this summer after initially being planned for completion by the end of 2023.

What’s happening?

Williamson County officials said they are continuing to work on various parts of the planning process, such as acquiring the necessary right of way and adjusting utilities.

The planning and design process is taking “more time than anticipated,” officials said, with no specific reason for the delay.

In case you missed it

The work on Hero Way—which will connect to RM 2243—will include two main lanes going each direction that will have direct connections to 183A Toll, Ronald Reagan Boulevard and the Southwest Bypass, according to county documents. Additionally, the roadway will include two three-lane frontage roads with access ramps on either side of the main lanes.

Costing $68 million, the project will be done in partnership with Williamson County and the Texas Department of Transportation.

The project will be completed in three phases, with Phase 1 being the construction of a single frontage road from 183A to Garey Park, which will serve two-way traffic until the other frontage road is built in a future phase.

Phases 2 and 3 will be developed as necessary based on growth and funding availability, according to county documents.

Stay tuned

Construction on Phase 1 is now anticipated to begin this fall with completion scheduled for summer 2026.