CapitalMetro will provide bus routes that will take customers to a variety of Fourth of July events around Austin, and will not charge a fare after 5 p.m. on the holiday.

The gist

Those attending the fireworks show at Vic Mathias Shores can take one of eight routes to the venue:
  • Bus 1 North Lamar/South Congress
  • Bus 3 Burnet/Menchaca
  • Bus 7 Duval/Dove Springs
  • Bus 10 South 1st/Red River
  • Bus 20 Manor Road/Riverside
  • Bus 30 Barton Creek Square
  • Rapid Route 801 North Lamar/South Congress
  • Rapid Route 803 Burnet/South Lamar
Afterwards, guests can walk to Lavaca and Fourth Street to catch a bus if headed north of the river, or can take one of three routes if headed south:
  • Routes 1, 10 and 801 at Congress and Barton Springs
  • Routes 7 and 20 at Riverside and Congress
  • Routes 3, 30 and 803 at Cesar Chavez and West
Those attending Willie Nelson’s concert at Q2 stadium can do so by bus or train. Between 10 a.m.-10 p.m. the CapMetro trains can take riders to and from Kramer Station, about a seven minute walk from Q2 stadium.

Bus routes to the stadium are as follows:
  • Bus 3
  • Bus 383
  • Bus 392
  • Rapid 803
Outside of the city, routes are also available for the Lago Vista celebration July 1 and the Leander Liberty Fest on July 3.

Going forward

Beginning July 5, the CapMetro rail service will be suspended until July 14 due to improvements to the Red Line and construction on a future McKalla station.

Braker Lane will also be closed near the tracks from July 7-12, and a detour will be in place for drivers.

All alternative services can be viewed at