The contract provides for the replacement of the city’s Bagdad Terminus Pump Station as well as the replacement of the 750,000-gallon steel water tank with a 1.5 million gallon concrete tank, according to agenda documents.
Two-minute Impact
The Bagdad pump station replacement project will allow the city to store more water and move more water up Bagdad Road to the Northern portion of the city, according to the documents.
Dig deeper
The Bagdad Terminus Pump Station replacement is the last of a series of projects that began in 2019 to increase the flow of potable water from the BCRUA water treatment plant, according to the documents.
The first phase of the project involved infrastructure improvements between New Hope Drive and Bagdad Road and led to increased water flow in the city and to the existing tank, according to the documents.
The Bagdad terminus project will see the existing terminus pump station building, as well as the current pumps, replaced. Additionally, the water tank will be replaced and a 24-inch water transmission line will be added on Bagdad Road from the terminus pump station to Crystal Falls Parkway. The water line will connect to an 18-inch line at Crystal Falls Parkway.