Leander City Council on March 6 approved a $736,270.50 contract with construction firm CivCon to eliminate the city’s first wastewater pump, pave East Street and add water and wastewater lines to the area.

Two-minute impact

The block of East Street between Evans Street and East Broade Street is a dirt road, according to agenda documents. The road will be paved after the water and wastewater lines are added.

Additionally, the project will eliminate the city’s first wastewater pump–or lift station–and replace it with a gravity connection to the South Brushy Creek wastewater collection system. The project will bolster water infrastructure for residents along East Street.

What else?

Because work on the project will impact the street, the contract provides for the road to be repaired and paved with a two-way asphalt roadway, according to the documents.

The lift station is old and has become high-maintenance, according to the documents.