According to agenda documents, the work order was assigned to engineering firm Garver and has a maximum expenditure of $960,213. It is being funded through the Texas Water Development Board.
What else?
The work order authorized phase 2A out of four total phases to bring a large-scale advanced water purification facility to the city, according to the documents. Phase 2A will be for design services for the pilot plant, which will have to be built before the final facility is built.
The designs for the pilot plant are expected to be delivered by the beginning of summer.
The pilot plant will be built on property at Liberty Hill’s South Wastewater Plant, according to representatives from Garver who presented at the city council’s Feb. 26 meeting.
The pilot plant will test systems for use at the large-scale facility down the line.
What they’re saying
The update on the project comes as Liberty Hill is dealing with possible water shortages, and city council has been talking about ways to boost the city’s water supply.
“This is a very important project for us,” Deputy City Manager Mike Etienne said.