Editor’s note: This story has been updated to clarify which neighborhoods are zoned to attend Bar W Elementary.

Liberty Hill ISD’s sixth elementary campus Bar W Elementary will officially open Aug. 11, just in time for the start of the 2023-24 school year.

Bar W Elementary will have roughly 600 students enrolled, and its opening will relieve capacity concerns at Noble, Rancho Sienna and Santa Rita elementary schools.

With the new school scheduled to come online this year, the board had to approve reworked elementary attendance boundaries in April. Director of Secondary Education Travis Motal said staff evaluated demographer reports and information from homebuilders to predict the number of students for each attendance zone.

After sharing the proposed attendance zones to the community for feedback, the district made a final decision.

Given that Bar W Elementary is located in the Bar W Ranch neighborhood, students living there will attend the new school as well as students from the Omega Ranch and Oaks of San Gabriel neighborhoods.

Students in parts of the MorningStar and Santa Rita Ranch North neighborhoods will also attend Bar W Elementary.

To address the growth in the eastern portion of LHISD, the district will open Tierra Rosa Elementary in August 2024. With this opening, the district will likely readjust attendance boundaries again. Motal said the district aims to disrupt as few neighborhoods as possible during the process.

Located at 2100 Stamp Iron Ave., Leander, Bar W Elementary is built near a large oak tree that will be a part of an outdoor courtyard. Classrooms will share a joint common area between the rooms that will be used for storage and restrooms. The campus will also use a lot of natural light, Motal said.

Motal said the campus had two paraprofessional support staff vacancies as of July 28, but they are expected to be filled before the school opens.

Opening Bar W

Bar W Elementary will officially open at 2100 Stamp Iron Ave., Leander on Aug. 11, and days later welcome its inaugural class of roughly 600 students on the first day of school for the 2023-24 year.
  • Will host 655 students with a capacity of 800
  • May 2021 voter-approved bond project
  • Featured outdoor courtyard
  • Classrooms with joint common areas
  • Natural light throughout campus