Liberty Hill City Council members and staff celebrated the beginning of construction on a Target store with developers and community members March 11.

The 148,000 square foot Target will have 50,000 square feet of commercial space attached to it, and there will be around 10 outparcels, or smaller spaces for businesses, on the property at 351 US 183, said Jay Williams, owner of Property Commerce, which owns the land and will own the buildings.

Two-minute impact

The outparcels will be detached from the Target building and closer to the edges of the development, Williams said. The outparcels will comprise both sit-down and fast-food restaurants and possibly a bank or a carwash, he said.

Williams said his company is in talks with possible businesses, but they are not ready to make announcements yet. The first tenants are expected to be opening shop at the center around mid-2026.

What they’re saying

Liberty Hill Mayor Crystal Mancilla said she’s excited about the convenience the center will allow and the sales tax it will bring in.

“With sales tax, if we’re smart and strategic with it and bringing in the right people, then we can keep our taxes low,” she said.

Mancilla also said the development will be transformative for the city.

“The amount of employment that not just Target, but then also Costco right next door, is going to bring to Liberty Hill is going to change the dynamic of our economy,” she said.