The fees were previously set at $5,261 per living unit equivalent beginning May 22, but as of Jan. 22, the fees are set at $11,329, according to agenda documents.
Impact fees are one-time charges paid by developers to finance the construction of public facilities needed to service their new developments, according to documents from the city.
How we got here
The fee increase was recommended by the capital improvements advisory committee established by City Council in early 2024, according to the documents.
The main purpose of the CIAC was to advise City Council on proposed capital improvement projects intended to be funded by impact fees.
After reviewing the city’s previous capital improvements plan, the CIAC recommended to council that impact fees be raised from $4,000 per LUE to $5,260 per LUE, and City Ccouncil made that recommendation official May 22, according to the documents.
After reviewing an updated impact fee report in December, the CIAC determined council should adopt a wastewater impact fee of $11,329 per LUE, according to the documents.