A group of 20 Pedernales Electric Cooperative crew members arrived in Ganado—a city affected by Hurricane Harvey in southeastern Texas—on Aug. 29, PEC spokesperson Caroline Tinsley Porter said.
Eighteen more crew members will follow on Friday, Porter said.
“This opportunity to help is a bright reminder of two values we hold close at PEC: cooperation among cooperatives and concern for community,” said Robert Peterson, PEC’s director of control center and emergency preparedness, in a news release.
PEC service and construction crews sent to Ganado will work with Jackson Electric Cooperative to restore power lost during the hurricane, according to the news release.
The PEC also sent safety and engineering staff, along with unmanned aerial vehicles operated by the engineers to assess damage, Porter said.
Peterson said there were over 590 power outages in the PEC’s own service area, according to the release.
“Thankfully, our service territory was spared from the worst of the storm,” he said in the release.