Updated June 16 at 11:16 a.m. to reflect the Leander City Council's decision to re-appoint council members to the Brushy Creek Regional Utility Authority's board of directors.
Posted June 14 at 6:11 p.m.
The cities of Cedar Park and Round Rock each appointed two council members to the Brushy Creek Regional Utility Authority’s board of directors during council meetings June 8. The city of Leander appointed two council members to the board during the council meeting June 15.
Every two years, the cities of Cedar Park, Leander and Round Rock each appoint two individuals to serve on the BCRUA board of directors, BCRUA General Manager Tom Gallier said. Out of those two members, one seat is a voting council director, chosen from the Cedar Park, Leander and Round Rock city councils. Council directors fill the positions of board president, vice president and secretary.
The other seat is a non-voting citizen director. Up until this point, Gallier said, the citizen director position has always been assigned to another elected official, but the City Council could put anyone in that position.
At the Leander City Council meeting June 15, council members decided to reappoint BCRUA board members Andrea Navarrette and Ron Abruzzese, both Leander council members, to their positions as BCRUA citizen director and council director.
Former Cedar Park City Council members Jon Lux and Lyle Grimes previously served on the board of directors. The Cedar Park City Council voted June 8 to appoint council members Stephen Thomas and Corbin Van Arsdale to the BCRUA board. Thomas replaced Lux as council director and Van Arsdale replaced Grimes as citizen director.
During a recent Round Rock City Council meeting, also June 8, elected officials decided to keep council members Frank Leffingwell and Kris Whitfield on the BCRUA board. Whitfield previously served as council director and Leffingwell as citizen director; this upcoming term, their positions will be switched.
"That’s traditionally what we’ve done, rotate our members from voting to non-voting, and vice versa," said Will Hampton, Round Rock communications and marketing director.
This means that Leffingwell will become BCRUA president in July. Board positions rotate between cities every year, Gallier said. Currently, Cedar Park holds the presidential position, which is filled by council director Thomas.
Gallier said the cities decided the rotation was the most “fair and equitable way” to determine BCRUA’s board leadership.
In July, Leffingwell will become the BCRUA’s president, Abruzzese will become vice president and Thomas will become the secretary.
Reporters Emily Donaldson and Jennifer Reiley also contributed to the story.