The Leander ISD board of trustees approved a 3 percent salary increase for the 2017-18 school year during its meeting June 15. “We’re very excited that we could do that,” board President Pamela Waggoner said. Kelli Vito, director of compensation and benefits, said the starting teacher salary with the increase will be $46,150. She said anything below a 3 percent increase would place Leander ISD behind Austin, Pflugerville and Lake Travis school districts. “Three percent gets us ahead of Pflugerville [and Lake Travis] and maintains our position in the competitive market [behind Austin],” Vito said. Chief Financial Officer Lucas Janda said staff will continue to monitor legislative action as Gov. Greg Abbott has called for a special session in July. “There’s a few items listed by the governor for this particular special session, several related to public education,” Janda said.