As I write this, there are two things I’m grateful for.

First, I’m the new editor for the Cedar Park-Leander edition. I’m also covering Leander ISD. So please contact me with potential news or ISD story ideas.

But remember: We only cover issues that have a big impact on our readers—so yes to a new development coming to town, but no to a middle school discontinuing Jell-O, your child’s favorite dessert.

Second, I’m glad that readers will have to travel to Virginia to read the articles I wrote at my first job. Thankfully, sloppy stories on paintball ranges and pig farm zoning from 1992 cannot be Googled. I promise I have improved greatly.

Times change: we now have the internet and, more importantly, taco delivery; cultures change: my first desk had an ashtray—but good reporting remains the same. With a talented Impact team, we aim to provide that consistently.

And before I get a ton of angry calls, let me add one last thing: I love Jell-O.