Missed the Leander City Council meeting Thursday? Check out this roundup of 8 topics discussed during the meeting. 1. Land on Ronald Reagan Boulevard may be switched to local commercial zoning City Council approved the first reading of an ordinance changing the zoning of approximately 7.896 acres at 18175 Ronald Reagan Blvd. from single-family rural and general commercial to local commercial. If the second reading is approved by council at a future meeting, the land could be used for retail, restaurants, studios and more with operating hours from 5 a.m.-10 p.m. Sun.-Thurs. and 5 a.m.-11 p.m. Fri.-Sat., according to the agenda packet. 2. Development agreements for Leander annexation finalized At this City Council meeting and the last, on Aug. 3 and 17, City Council approved development agreements between the city and landowners from Leander’s extraterritorial jurisdiction. Property owners in these agreements avoid immediate annexation for up to 45 years, unless they choose to develop their land. In July, City Council held two public hearings for the annexation of approximately 5,000 acres of land south of CR 280 and west of North Bagdad Road. After the completion of the development agreements, council members passed the second and final reading of the annexation ordinance for approximately 1,643.04 acres of land on Thursday, commencing annexation of this land. Some development agreements were still pending negotiations as of Aug. 17 and will be brought before City Council at a future meeting, Assistant City Manager Tom Yantis said. Learn more here. The final annexation ordinance reading for areas B and D was read at the Leander City Council meeting Aug. 17.[/caption]   3. Five-year Capital Improvement Plan adopted A five-year plan for Leander’s infrastructure was approved unanimously by City Council. The Capital Improvement Plan encompasses parks and recreation, water and wastewater, transportation, municipal facilities and public safety, according to the agenda packet. The majority of funding is scheduled for water-related projects, including storage tanks, lines and meters, according to the document. The plan is a working document, so the projects and funding could change over time, Accounting Manager Jodi Levie said. 4. Leander to dedicate over $8 million for water plant expansion Leander City Council passed a resolution authorizing the Brushy Creek Regional Utility Authority to enter a financing agreement with the Texas Water Development Board, which would give the city of Leander $8,130,000 in debt for the construction of water plant expansion, at its meeting Thursday. Click here to read more about the water plant expansion project and its financing. 5. New school speed zones established for Stiles Middle and Akins Elementary schools Roads around Stiles Middle and Akins Elementary schools were added to the city’s School Zone Ordinance. Find out how this affects traffic on nearby roads here. 6. Trail to be constructed between train station and college campus Council members approved an interlocal agreement between Capital Metro and the city of Leander for the construction of a hike and bike trail. The trail would connect the Capital Metro Leander Station and the Austin Community College Campus, Yantis said. The city’s financial contribution to the project is estimated to cost $75,000, which covers the section of the trail on city-owned parkland located west of Mel Mathis Avenue, according to the packet. 7. Leander’s extraterritorial jurisdiction increased to 3.5 miles City Council passed an ordinance officially declaring the population of the city at over 50,000 individuals. This expands the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city, which is the area outside city limits that the city can annex, from 2 miles to 3.5 miles, Yantis said. “This is a momentous moment,” former Leander Mayor John Cowman. “I challenge all of y'all to get the word out about our population.” He recommended Leander, with an increasing population, get a Capital Metro bus for public transportation. Mayor Christopher Fielder said they have a plan to get a bus in 2018-2019. 8. Plans advance for construction of new fire station building Leander City Council accepted a guaranteed maximum price proposal of $4,431,487 from Chasco Constructors for the construction of a new fire station in Leander. This new fire station is a relocation of Leander Fire Station #1 from 201 North Brushy Street to a new, single-story building at 1460 West San Gabriel Parkway, said Fire Chief Bill Gardner. The station will fit six fire trucks, according to the agenda packet.