Drivers traveling around Leander may want to avoid Ranchero Road at its intersection with Bagdad Road as of today. The city will close Ranchero at the intersection of Bagdad starting July 31 for approximately the next four months, according to the city of Leander's website. Drivers are asked to use North Creek Boulevard to access Bagdad. The city is closing the intersection due to roadway and utility construction, according to the city's website. Leander is working with dry utility companies, including AT&T and Spectrum, to relocate utilities as part of the North Bagdad Road expansion project. The project is expected to last until October 2018 and will widen the road from two to five lanes, including a center turn lane, between Hero Way West and Collaborative Way, including a center turn lane. Residents with questions can contact the city at 512-528-2766 or visit