There were several items on Leander City Council's agenda Thursday evening, and here are three takeaways from the meeting:
  1. Award for construction of the Veterans Park Phase 2 project
The City Council approved a bid from Fazzone Construction in the amount of $613,586.51 to construct the Veterans Phase 2 project. The project would construct the remaining master plan improvements to the park, including a Walk of Honor, Wall of Honor and a MIA/POW Labyrinth, and provide funding for benches, landscaping, a parking lot and park signs, according to city documents. Funding is available from 2016 bond funds, and the second phase of the project is scheduled for construction this year. 2. CMP Management awarded $20,000 through Old Town business grant program Leander created the Old Town business grant program in 2016, which helps support businesses locating or expanding within the Old Town area. The council voted to award a $20,000 grant to CMP Management, which provides chapters of professional societies and associations with management services that generally do not have professional staffing in place for day-to-day operations. CMP Management has purchased a building in Old Town Leander and plans to lease another to house its operation, which will bring 18 full-time employees with an average salary and benefits package valued at more than 80,000.00 annually into Leander. The city estimates the project’s rate of return will total $28,500 over the next five years directly through sales tax and property tax revenue, and indirectly from additional job creation, according to city documents. 3. Ordinance to be updated to allow for rock crushing The council approved an amendment to the Composite Zoning Ordinance to allow temporary rock crushing, which was previously prohibited by city ordinances. The amendment now allows rock crushers when users have active permits issued by the city.