Travis County Commissioners Court The 2016-17 Travis County Commissioners Court, from left: (back row) Gerald Daugherty, County Judge Sarah Eckhardt, Jeffrey Travillion; (front row) Margaret Gómez, Brigid Shea[/caption]

County statistics

2015 population: 1,176,558
County size: 991.7 square miles
People per square mile: 1,186.4
Median age: 33.6
Median household income: $65,269
Percent of the population that holds a bachelor’s degree: 47.2 percent
Property tax rate (fiscal year 2016-17): $0.3838 per $100 valuation

Commissioners Court
The Travis County Commissioners Court usually meets at 9 a.m. Tuesdays in the commissioners courtroom on the first floor of the Travis County Administration Building, 700 Lavaca St., Austin.

Terms and compensation:
Travis County commissioners serve four-year terms. Judge Sarah Eckhardt is compensated with a salary of $124,972. Commissioner compensation is set at $103,952. Commissioners Brigid Shea and Gerald Daugherty have opted to take lower salaries—Shea receives $98,463 and Daugherty receives $93,000.

The public is welcome to watch the meetings inside the courtroom or may choose to view a live broadcast of the proceedings on TCTV-17; the public can also view video files online. Minutes, agendas and video footage are posted online at www.traviscoun

Commissioners and term expiration dates
Sarah Eckhardt (2018)—Judge
Jeff Travillion (2020)—Precinct 1
Brigid Shea (2018)—Precinct 2
Gerald Daugherty (2020)—Precinct 3
Margaret Gomez (2018)—Precinct 4

Numbers to know
Sheriff’s office: (non-emergency) 512-854-9770
EMS: (non-emergency) 512-854-4785
Parks and recreation office: 512-854-7275