City statistics
Current population: 69,188 2020 population projection: 75,998 City size: 25.5 square miles People per square mile: 2,713.25 Median age: 34.2 Median annual household income: $99,348 Percent of the population that holds a bachelor’s degree: 44.1 percent Property tax rate (fiscal year 2016-17): $0.47 per $100 of valuation
City Council Cedar Park City Council usually meets in executive session at 6 p.m. and open session at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at City Hall, 450 Cypress Creek Road, Bldg. 4, Cedar Park. 512-401-5000.
Video coverage Meetings are broadcast on cable company-provided public education and government channel 10.110 via Spectrum and channel 99 via AT&T U-Verse as well as a live feed on the city’s website, Meeting agendas, minutes and recordings are also posted and archived on the city’s website.
Terms and compensation Council members serve two-year terms without term limits and receive reimbursement for cell phone use, meals, travel and other expenses directly related to their role on City Council.Council members and term expiration dates Matt Powell (2018)—mayor Stephen Thomas (2017)—Place 1, mayor pro tem Corbin Van Arsdale (2018)—Place 2 Lyle Grimes (2017)—Place 3 Cobby Caputo (2018)—Place 4 Jon Lux (2017)—Place 5 Kristyne Bollier (2018)—Place 6
Numbers to know Police department: (non-emergency) 512-260-4600 Fire department: (non-emergency) 512-401-5220 Parks and recreation office: 512-401-5500 Public library: 512-401-5600 Public works: 512-401-5550
Taste of Cedar Park[/caption]
Cedar Park Chamber of Commerce
About the chamber: The chamber’s mission is to strengthen and improve the Cedar Park business community to promote the economic well-being of all citizens.
Number of members: 748
Programs of interest: • Leadership Cedar Park • Power Networking Breakfast • Women’s Connection • A legislative agenda • Candidate’s Forum • Elected officials reception
Big annual events: • Annual Champagne Bash and Chamber Awards Banquet • Cedar Fest BBQ Competition • Golf Classic • Business Expo & Job Fair • Taste of Cedar Park
How to contact: President & CEO: Tony Moline [email protected]
Cedar Park Chamber of Commerce, 1460 E. Whitestone Blvd., Ste. 180, Cedar Park 512-260-7800