Plans for two life-sized statues at Veterans Memorial Park depicting three military service members moved forward at the Cedar Park City Council meeting Nov. 15. One statue depicts two male Vietnam War soldiers, and the other features a female helicopter pilot to honor people who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Council reviewed an agreement with artist Matt Glenn to commission the work in February, but the design included the statue honoring Vietnam War veterans only. At the time council referred the project back to the city’s Parks, Arts and Community Enrichment Board to consider adding military women in the design. “Women haven’t really been portrayed in their roles in the military in the movies; naturally we all know this,” Council Member Anne Duffy said in February. “Those untold stories have consequences for how Americans see women in uniform and how they see themselves.” In October council reviewed sketches of the two statues and provided additional feedback and concerns to the artist, according to city documents. Revised designs of the statues were presented by Cedar Park Project Manager Kimberly Reese at the Nov. 15 meeting. Changes included updating the weapons and boots of the Vietnam War soldier statue and making the statue of the helicopter pilot more feminine. Cedar Park City Council voted unanimously—with Mayor Corbin Van Arsdale and Council Member Mike Guevara absent—to authorize a $116,700 agreement with Glenn for the commission of the two statues.