The Texas Department of Transportation has provided information updating two large projects in western Travis County. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed many aspects of daily life in the area, road projects are considered essential by the state and are continuing.

RM 2222 improvement

This project on RM 2222 covers 1.2 miles and will widen RM 2222 from Bonaventure Drive to Ribelin Ranch Drive. It also includes a center median with turn lanes within the project limits. The groundbreaking ceremony was held Jan. 16, 2019.

Status: TxDOT Public Information Officer Bradley Wheelis said that with lower traffic volumes, the project team has been able to work on installing a storm sewer pipe on RM 2222 during daytime hours, and they are making significant progress. The operation began in late March, and crews have been averaging more than 75 feet of pipe installation per day, including digging, grading, pipe laying, cement filling and paving the road.

Timeline: January 2019-mid-2021

Cost: $23.6 million (total construction; TxDOT estimate), $203,491 (city of Austin portion)
Funding source: TxDOT, city of Austin

RM 620/RM 2222 bypass

Information from TxDOT states that this project consists of adding an outside northbound merge lane along RM 620 from Steiner Ranch Boulevard to a new bypass road to be constructed about a mile north of Steiner Ranch to RM 2222. Center-turn lanes and medians would also be built on RM 2222 between the new bypass road and RM 620.

Status: Wheelis said crews are moving dirt from the sewer line excavation on RM 2222 to use as embankment for the new bypass road. Austin Energy has finished installing all new poles and is working on transferring overhead electric lines. Once electric lines have been moved, telecommunications companies can begin to relocate their lines to the new poles.

Timeline: Dec. 11, 2019-late 2021

Cost: $10 million (estimated)
Funding source: TxDOT, city of Austin mobility bond