Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, environmental science students from Lake Travis High School were hard at work on a class project, planning a community 5K run to benefit the Bee Cave Friends of the Parks Foundation, which will now proceed virtually.

As coronavirus hit the Lake Travis area and LTISD closed its facilities, those students adjusted their plans with social distancing in mind, pivoting the event to a virtual platform.

The second annual Keep Bee Cave Beautiful Fun Run is set to take place virtually. Participants can complete the 5K on their own time and in whatever location they chose. The race can be done outdoor or using a treadmill and can be completed in multiple segments if necessary.

Proceeds from the event will benefit Bee Cave’s Central Park by supplying a new water foundation for both dogs and people.

Following the completion, participants are encouraged to upload a photo of themselves along with their corresponding race time to the BCFOP organization’s Facebook page by May 16.

“Most participants complete their run all at once,” BCFOP noted in a press release. “We understand that not everyone is able to complete our minimum 5K distance in one jaunt. So set your goal, whatever that may be, and go out and accomplish it.”

Results will be collected through an honor system. Each participant can track their race time using whatever method they prefer.

Interested parties can find registration information on the organization’s Facebook page. Registration is set at $10 per person, and children under age 12 can register for free.