Officials from the Lakeway and Bee Cave police departments and Lake Travis Fire Rescue gathered May 18 to update the Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce on the state of law enforcement, fire and emergency services in the area.

“When we start to talk about public safety, no one has all the answers,” Lakeway Police Chief Todd Radford said. “It takes all of us to agree that we want to protect the community.”

He and his Bee Cave and LTFR counterparts presented yearly crime and traffic statistics for their respective areas.

The Bee Cave and Lakeway police departments increased distracted- driving enforcement during May and focused particularly on the dangers of texting and driving, said the cities’ chiefs.

“[Texting while driving] is a hard habit to break,” Bee Cave Police Chief Gary Miller said.

Traffic remains a top concern for the BCPD, with vehicle crashes in Bee Cave down from 260 in 2014 to 240 in 2015, he said.