At a Sept. 16 meeting, Lakeway City Council passed an ordinance revising its solicitation rules following an influx of resident complaints about door-to-door peddlers.

Some context

Currently, solicitors are required to obtain a license from the city that is worn at all times during visits.

A license is not required for school-related, political or religious canvassers, unless they are soliciting donations or fundraising.

The breakdown

The most significant change is the elimination of the city's "no visit" list, a 40-page record of over 2,000 addresses that licensed solicitors may not visit, according to a staff report.

Due to the growing population, city staff determined the ever-growing list is no longer a practical means of guiding solicitors. Instead, the update specifies that licensed solicitors must obey "no solicitor" signs.

Other important updates include:
  • Allowing visits between 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., rather than 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Clarifying licensing exceptions apply to all school-age persons related to public or private schools, rather than just Lake Travis ISD schools
  • Changing the renewal period for the license to yearly, instead of 90 days
What residents should know

If a solicitor does not have a license or visits after permitted hours, residents may call the nonemergency line at 512-261-2800 to report the violation.