The city of Lakeway called for a $22 million parks bond election for May 4 after council approved the action at a Feb. 5 meeting.

The gist

Lakeway City Council unanimously approved a bond election for May 4 for the priority parks projects as part of the city’s first implementation of the Parks Strategic Plan.

The amount for the bond approved at the meeting was $22 million, after the council proposed and approved an amendment to increase the amount from the proposed $19.5 million bond.

The amendment made by City Council came after City Manager Joseph Molis said there was an administrative error in a line item cost for the Lakeway Swim Center that had been typed incorrectly, making the proposed amount under budget by approximately $2 million.

The details

The approved bond election projects were scaled back and prioritized from the original $28.7 million bond amount after the city spent several months gathering input and feedback via a community survey, in-person town hall event and public meetings.

The project prioritization for the upcoming bond election May 4 includes:
  • Rough Hollow and Butler Park
  • Lakeway Swim Center
  • Lakeway City Park
  • Lakeway Activity Center
  • Live Oak Tennis Court
What’s next?

Molis said finalized plans and costs for the bond projects would be brought back before City Council at a future meeting prior to the election, which could include an adjusted bond amount. City Council could then decide whether or not to increase the amount based on the finalized plans provided or keep it at $22 million.