Bee Cave City Council members voted to accept the results of the Rodriguez Transportation Group study for the Hamilton Pool Road extension and instructed staff to amend the thoroughfare plan to be consistent with option two of the study during a special council meeting Jan. 25.

Council also voted to further amend the thoroughfare plan by removing Cueva Drive from the southwest collector portion of the plan.

Council voted unanimously to remove Cueva Drive from the thoroughfare plan and voted 4-1 to accept the results of the Rodriguez Transportation Group study.

Several residents said they were opposed to Cueva Drive being in the thoroughfare plan and said it could create hardships for their neighborhood.

“If approved it will destroy a longtime large-lot private neighborhood that we love,” Cueva Drive resident Gail Means said.

The proposed southwest collector road that begins at Palermo Drive will still run through the northern end of Cueva Drive near Hwy. 71; however, the portion of the southwest collector road that was slated to be built near the Austin Gurdwara Sahib Sikh Temple and Avispa Way will be removed.

The southwest collector road will connect with the realigned Hamilton Pool Road, which will have a roundabout to access the collector road.

Option two, as proposed, would create a new roundabout by Acton Academy Bee Cave and will also be constructed with two new intersections near the academy and Twin Acres Drive.

While staff voted to accept the results of the study, they will not vote on whether to implement the proposed changes to the thoroughfare plan until their regular council meeting in February.