First up will be the master plan for Bee Cave’s Central Park. A primary issue is the manner in which the city should expand parking and park roads through the 60-acre park that sits just west of RM 620 at Bee Cave Parkway. A draft master plan filed with the May 25 agenda and scheduled to be presented to council shows additional future access points to the park, including at Hwy. 71 and RM 620. Currently, there is only one entrance to Central Park, and that entrance is at Bee Cave Parkway just west of RM 620.
City staff have scheduled consultant David Cazares with MWM Design Group to present the master park plan to council, according to city documents.
Also on the agenda is an update on progress for the 35-acre The Backyard multiuse development project, which is planned for land sitting west of Central Park. Representatives of the project are scheduled to appear at the meeting to provide an update on construction timelines.
Site plans for The Backyard were approved in 2020 and feature a high-capacity outdoor entertainment venue, a 125-room hotel, offices, parking garages and a hilltop garden, among other features.
As envisioned, the city would work with developers of The Backyard to create a public improvement district, or PID. The PID, according to city information, would permit Bee Cave to levy an assessment against properties within a selected area of the development to pay for desired public improvements that would primarily serve that area. Bee Cave would then issue bonds to fund those capital projects and pay them off by levying an annual installment on those within the PID.
A PID is also up for discussion for a third development in central Bee Cave for the 80-acre Village at Spanish Oaks, which is currently under site development just south of Hwy. 71. CCNG Real Estate Investors II, a limited partnership, has petitioned the city to create a PID, according to city documents.
However, before the council would take such action, the city would first call a public hearing on the issue. Such a hearing could be held at Bee Cave City Council’s July 13 meeting, according to city documents.
The final plat for the Spanish Oaks development is divided into 17 parcels that contain differing degrees of development. Ten of the parcels will contain various mixed-use combinations. As planned, a total of 1,190 housing units will be spread among 12 parcels that will range in density from 30 single-family homes to 590 multifamily residential units. Recreation amenities will include a swim club, trails and open spaces, according to the plat.