Blue-green algae harmful to dogs has been identified in 10 locations around Lake Travis, according to a March 12 update from the Lower Colorado River Authority.

Algae samples taken by LCRA on March 3 revealed the presence of cyanotoxins—a toxic material released by a blue-green algae bloom—at 10 areas throughout the Highland Lakes chain.

Dihydroanatoxin-a, a form of cyanotoxin was identified in algae stemming from Arkansas Bend Park, Bob Wentz Park, Comanche Point, Cypress Creek Park, Lakeway City Park, Mansfield Dam Park, Pace Bend Park, Sandy Creek Park, Tom Hughes Park and Travis Landing.

Water samples taken from Bob Wentz, Sandy Creek and Arkansas Bend Park also tested positive for lesser levels of the cyanotoxin.

Tests were conducted following reports made in February that two dogs died and five others became ill after swimming in the Hudson Bend and Comanche Point areas of the lake.

“We can’t stress this enough—out of an abundance of caution, do not let your dogs touch or ingest algae from the lakes. We know even a little toxicity from blue-green algae can be harmful or even fatal to dogs.” said John Hofmann, LCRA executive vice president of water.

Since the initial reports were made, LCRA reported it has not received any reports of dogs becoming ill.

This week additional water and algae samples will be taken from other areas throughout the Highland Lakes, according to LCRA.