Eanes ISD middle and high school students will be required to wear student identification badges starting during the 2025-26 school year as part of a new safety measure.

Kristy Sailors, assistant superintendent of operations and technology, provided the board of trustees with information on the new badges during the March 25 board meeting.

Some context

EISD had a school safety audit in 2023 and was recommended to implement middle school and high school ID badges, Sailors said.

A student ID badge committee convened last fall, comprised of Sailors, campus administrators, the EISD police department, food service, technology and transportation staff, and more.

Funding for the badges comes from the safety and security line item in the 2023 bond.

How it works

According to district documents:
  • Students will be required to wear the badge when they are on campus during school hours, including during classes and events, or when using district transportation or other school facilities.
  • The badge must be easily visible to staff and security personnel, and worn on a lanyard or clipped to the upper torso.
  • Failure to wear the badge could result in disciplinary action and being denied entry on campuses or into events.
  • Temporary badges will be given to students for the day if the original badge is lost, stolen or damaged, but students will be required to report to the office to obtain it. Multiple offenses will result in a replacement fee, which will be charged to their Skyward account.
Sailors said the committee planned for ways to make the badges worthwhile for students to wear. The badges are tied to the buses, libraries, printers and cafeterias, Sailors said, and will also be required at things like football games and school dances in order to further incentivize their wear.

The badges will include a student photo and the school year, and will be deactivated once the year is completed or if they are lost, Sailors said.

Additionally, the badges will not be used for students to unlock doors to get into any buildings.

Something to note

Along with a physical badge, Westlake High School students will also receive a digital ID badge that can be accessed on student's phones and used during sporting events or school dances, Sailors said.