Five candidates, including one incumbent, have filed to run for Eanes ISD’s board of trustees election, which will be held in May.

Places 4 and 5 will be on the ballot. Trustees will serve three-year terms once elected.

Up for election

On the ballot for Place 4 are:
  • James Spradley, incumbent and current board president
  • Robert Morrow
On the ballot for Place 5 are:
  • Kelly Marwill
  • Aaron Silva
  • Catherine Walker
Place 5 incumbent Jennifer Champagne is not seeking re-election. Champagne was first elected to the board in 2015 and served as vice president from 2020-23.

Dates to know
  • April 4: deadline to register to vote
  • April 22: first day of early voting
  • April 30: last day of early voting
  • May 4: election day