Eanes ISD students will be required to follow new coronavirus guidance, which may shorten the quarantine period for those who had contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID-19.

EISD release a statement Dec. 8 that it amended its quarantine guidance in accordance with recommendations from the Texas Education Agency, Austin Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all of which base recommended quarantine length on exposure risk.

As of Dec. 8, if an EISD student or staff member were to come into close contact with a COVID-19-positive individual while not wearing a mask, that student or staff member would be required to quarantine for 14 days. The same would be true for individuals who live or work in a setting with high-risk individuals.

If an EISD student or staff member were to be exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual while wearing a mask, and they do not not live or work in a setting with high-risk individuals, that student or staff member may return to campus at an earlier date.

Those who receive a negative COVID-19 test result may return to class after seven days of quarantine if the test was administered at least five days after close contact. If that individual does not undergo a COVID-19 test, they may return to campus after 10 days.

The process was outlined in greater detail through a flowchart provided by APH.

The statement from the district added that each EISD campus will communicate with quarantined families regarding the return-to-school date and that all students and staff should continue to regularly monitor themselves for symptoms of the virus.

EISD's COVID-19 public dashboard indicates that there 14 students and 12 employees with active COVID-19 cases as of Dec. 8.