Twenty-one classes within Eanes ISD currently exceed the district's recommended student-to-teacher ratio of 22-1, per the grade’s guidelines. All exceeding classes are within the third and fourth grade levels, according to district memorandum.
The increased class-size ratio is likely due to a 5% elementary school enrollment increase for the 2019-20 school year, according to a memorandum to the district. This increase is the result of families moving into the district with five to 10 year old children, according to the district memorandum.
Fifth-grade classes within Valley View Elementary School are under observation due to its class-size ratios, according to EISD Deputy Superintendent Jeff Arnett, adding that the ratios are larger than the district would like.
The board of trustees will determine if Valley View will require additional support or staff, according to Arnett.
The total district enrollment for 2019-20 is 8,176 students, including 148 out-of-district transfer students as of Sept. 18, according to the district's enrollment update.
Class-size ratios for grades six to 12 are still being determined and will be discussed by the board of trustees at a later date, Arnett said.
Enrollment numbers and class-size ratios are subject to change, specifically at the beginning of the school year as students adjust their schedules, according to a district memorandum.