Discussion on Eanes ISD staff salaries for the 2019-20 school year have begun, and increases could be raised 2 percent. EISD compares itself with 12 neighboring districts’ salaries and benefits as part of the decision-making process, said Laurie Lee, executive director of human resources, to the board of trustees April 23. https://communityimpact.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Screen-Shot-1.png A tentative chart depicting where EISD would place among the comparable districts listed above---if the budgeted salary increase of 2 percent is adopted---was also presented: https://communityimpact.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Screen-Shot-2.png Stipend and substitute teacher pay would also be adjusted with a compensation pay increase, Lee said. If the benefit contribution does not change from the current rate of $473, it would put EISD in fourth place for highest contribution: https://communityimpact.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Screen-Shot-3.png Lee said the district is waiting to see what happens with House Bill 3, a school finance reform bill, and board members agreed it would be best to see what passes in the Legislature regarding salaries before making any official motions. Superintendent Tom Leonard said this is just the beginning of the conversation.