A committee of Lake Travis ISD community members are developing a series of alternative plans to prepare for the event that a physical graduation ceremony cannot be safely held due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The LTISD board of trustees met virtually for an April 15 regular board meeting to discuss a number of graduation options. All district facilities remain closed until at least May 4, per orders issued by Gov. Greg Abbott.

The graduation ceremony was previously scheduled for May 22 at the high school’s Cavalier Stadium. In light of social distancing measures, that event may not be not feasible.

“Our hope, however slim it may be, is to hold our graduation ceremony as previously scheduled on Friday, May 22 at Cavalier Stadium,” Gordon Butler, the principal of Lake Travis High School, wrote in a letter to the community.

The committee comprised two Lake Travis High School administrators, two teachers, one counselor and four parents, and they explored various options, including moving graduation to a later date, holding a virtual graduation, moving graduation to an off-campus location or some combination of these options.

Butler presented the committee’s recommendation to host a virtual graduation May 22 to honor graduating seniors as well as a physical graduation Aug. 1 at the H-E-B Center in Cedar Park.

According to Butler, the approximate cost of the ceremony at the H-E-B Center would be $2,000 less than the cost to host the ceremony at Caviler Stadium. The option to utilize an indoor location would also protect the event from any harsh weather conditions.

“We’re hoping for the best, but we will be confident in the plan that we laid out,” Butler said.

The next step will include securing the venue, planning the logistics of a virtual graduation and communicating these plans with the community.

This decision did not require any board action or approval.