Take the kids to a “drive-in” movie, learn about marketing and catch up on news this week.

1. Influence communication about I-35 construction

In an effort to better prepare for upcoming lane closures and work zones, the Texas Department of Transportation, in conjunction with Texas A&M Transportation Institute, recently released a survey for Austin area residents, the results of which will help the transportation agencies keep drivers well-informed about traffic changes. Take the survey here.

2. Read up on the recent history of the Texas-California feud

For years, Texas politicians have warned of the looming influence California is trying to exert through liberal policies and economic maneuvers. Recently, California has taken its own shot at Texas, banning state-funded travel on Thursday. Learn more about the relationship between the states of Texas and California here.

3. Celebrate Harry Potter’s 20th anniversary Monday

“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was first published in the U.K. on June 26, 1997, and since then, the series has become one of the best-selling of all time. Muggles—Rowling’s term for nonmagical folk—can celebrate the “boy who lived” throughout the summer with these fan-filled events in the Austin area.

4. Learn about marketing to technical audiences Tuesday

Founder of TREW Marketing Rebecca Grier leads “Marketing Information and Automation.” Attendees will listen to a presentation by Grier and engage in networking with other entrepreneurs and professionals. Noon. Free. Incubator for Innovation & Impact, Concordia University, 11400 Concordia University Drive, Austin. 512-910-5702. www.incubatorctx.com

5. Get creative and watch a “drive-in” movie at the library Tuesday

Area residents of all ages can bring cardboard boxes to Bee Cave Public Library, where they will be decorated and transformed into a set of wheels. Attendees will sit inside their “cars” as they watch Disney’s It’s a Small World of Fun. 2 p.m. Free. Bee Cave Public Library, 4000 Galleria Parkway, Bee Cave. 512-767-6620. www.beecavetexas.com