West Lake Hills City Council reconsidered including Yaupon Valley and Laurel Valley roads in the capital improvements bond during a July 24 meeting.
Drainage and roadway repairs on Yaupon Valley and Laurel Valley were previously removed from the list of projects to be funded by the tentative May 2020 bond.
Council initially decided the repair costs were minimal enough to be completed in the future through the city’s operating fund balance, according to Mayor Linda Anthony.
The drainage repairs on Yaupon Valley were initially projected to cost $129,500, while the estimated roadway repairs for Laurel Valley were estimated at about $1.3 million.
Anthony was informed by residents that they were unhappy with the removal of these projects from the bond election.
“I got emails that were pretty upset saying that it was unfair to take these off the bond,” Anthony said. “These residents thought a bond would be a good resolution.”
Anthony suggested council reconsiders the re-addition of these projects to the bond once the city has more information.
West Lake Hills is anticipating a report from Vicki Ortega, project manager at K Friese + Associates, the engineering firm hired by the city.
“Our bond committee is going to look at this and give us recommendations,” Anthony said. “We’ll know more in September.”
Council Member Beth South called this decision a smart idea.