1. Bee Cave leaders unanimously agreed at Tuesday night's meeting to amend the fiscal year 2017-18 budget, transferring a total of $1,403,101 from city’s reserve fund to pay down two unforeseen expenses.
First, the city’s capital and special projects fund will be amended by $6,388,156 to pay for last fall’s purchase of 44 acres of undeveloped land known as the Lamar Brown tract south of the Field of Dreams sports complex on W. Hwy. 71, city records showed. At the time, the city issued a $6 million 2017 tax note and also planned for a $400,000 draw from the city’s reserve fund to pay for it. There are no publicized plans for the land, which includes a section of Little Barton Creek. Second, to pay this fiscal year’s installment to bury electrical lines along Bee Cave Parkway, the city will collect $150,000 less from the annual franchise fee Austin Energy pays to the city. Last month, council agreed the city will pay AE a total of $872,000 to bury the lines along a half-mile section of the roadway, from near Bee Cave Central Park and ending west of the Ladera subdivision. 2. Wild Kitchen + Bar on West Hwy. 71 near Nitro Swimming got council's go-ahead to open this summer once its new owners submit lighting and playscape plans to city staff. Council also heard the venue's planned non-amplified music stage will be subject to a maximum volume of 65 decibels. That is about the level of sound a passing car produces at highway speed from 25 feet away. Neighbors told council they are concerned noise is kept to a minimum. 3. Bee Cave Police entered into a yearlong interlocal agreement with neighboring Lakeway Police. The deal is aimed at clarifying liability and costs on calls where the neighboring law-enforcement agency enters Bee Cave's jurisdiction or assists city officers. Bee Cave has the same agreement with nearby Sunset Valley Police, Chief Gary Miller said. Last week, Lakeway City Council signed off on its version of the interlocal agreement.