West Lake Hills City Council reviewed and approved a resolution stating the city’s priorities for the current legislative session at a council meeting Wednesday.

“The resolution has been put together to cover where the city falls on certain issues,” City Administrator Robert Wood said.

According to Wood, the city council:

  • supports legislation that affirms its power to enforce sex offender residency restrictions;

  • supports legislation that affirms state and city authority to regulate commercial signs;

  • supports legislation that provides for additional funding for transportation and infrastructure improvements;

  • opposes legislation that would limit local control and a locally-elected leader’s ability to help his or her constituents;

  • opposes legislation that would limit a municipality’s authority to regulate land use, including short-term rentals;

  • opposes legislation that restricts the ability of municipalities to preserve its scenic landscapes and trees.

“Basically what we’re looking at is a continuation of the priorities we put out in 2015, with the addition of some newer items,” Mayor Linda Anthony said.