Featured neighborhood: Gabriel’s Overlook Featured neighborhood: Gabriel’s Overlook[/caption]

The gated community located off of Hwy. 29 near Ronald Reagan Boulevard, features homes built by a variety of custom-home builders on large lots.

The community has access to nearby shopping, parks and Lake Georgetown.

Build-out year: not built out Builders include: Various builders Square footage: 2,400-5,300 Home values: $364,000-$650,000 HOA dues (estimated): $570 annually Schools: Liberty Hill Elementary School, Bill Burden Elementary School, Liberty Hill Intermediate School, Liberty Hill Junior High, Liberty Hill High School

Property taxes (in dollars): Williamson County-0.441529 Williamson County FM/RD-0.040000 Williamson County ESD 4-0.100000 Liberty Hill ISD-1.540000 Total (per $100 value)   2.121529

Gabriel’s Overlook

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