Westside Preserve at Buttercup Creek, Cedar Park


Build-out year: 2014

Builders: Ashton Woods Homes, David Weekley Homes, Newmark Homes, Sitterle Homes

Number of homes: 580

Square footage: 1,900–4,585

Home values: $238,000–$448,000

HOA dues (estimated): $340 annually

Amenities: Park, playground, community pool, trails, nature preserve

Property taxes (in dollars):

City of Cedar Park: 0.492500

Williamson County: 0.449029

Austin Community College: 0.094900

Williamson County FM/RD: 0.040000

Leander ISD: 1.511870

Upper Brushy Creek WC&ID: 0.020000

Total (per $100 value): 2.608299