1. Wolf Ranch Parkway/Southwest Bypass
The city of Georgetown will build the Wolf Ranch Parkway extension and Southwest Bypass to help provide a connection from Leander Road to Hwy. 29. Funding for the two roadways were approved by voters in November. The project also includes the construction of two bridges. The city expects to seek bids in late January. City Council could approve a construction contract at its Feb. 24 meeting.Timeline: March 2016-summer 2018 Cost: $18.8 million Funding Sources: city of Georgetown 2015 road bond
2. Mays Street extension
The city of Georgetown is completing right of way acquisitions and design work to extend Mays Street from Teravista Parkway and Bass Pro Drive in Round Rock to the intersection of Westinghouse and Rabbit Hill roads. The city’s plans will connect with Williamson County’s plans to extend Mays Street north from Oakmont and Paloma drives in Round Rock. Once both sections are completed, Oakmont Drive is expected to be renamed Mays Street to create a continuous roadway from Hesters Crossing in Round Rock to Westinghouse Road in Georgetown.Timeline: spring 2016-spring 2017 Cost: $10 million (includes construction, design, engineering and right of way acquisition costs) Funding Sources: city of Georgetown
Roadway expansion[/caption]3. FM 1460 expansion
Construction to widen FM 1460 between Quail Valley Drive and just north of University Boulevard in Round Rock to four lanes continues. The Texas Department of Transportation is overseeing construction.Timeline: : October-fall 2017 Cost: $34.7 million Funding Sources: cities of Georgetown and Round Rock, Williamson County, TxDOT and Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization