What you need to know
Officials announced Sept. 28 that all Georgetown utility customers will return to the assigned, once-per-week watering schedule in addition to other restrictions under Stage 2.
The Stage 3 restrictions are being lifted due to the cooling temperatures and declining usage, according to the Sept. 28 news release. Additionally, the city of Leander is now providing additional water to Georgetown.
“With a shift in lower temperatures and some rain, we’ve seen water demands on our system reduced,” City Manager David Morgan said in the release. “This, along with increased water from Leander, places us in a position to safely lift Stage 3 restrictions.”
Put in perspective
The western side of Georgetown has been under Stage 3 water restrictions since mid-July, and officials had planned to lift the restrictions by Sept. 4.
However, the restrictions were extended for that side of town due to a drawn-out drought period and continued issues with water supply.
On Sept. 1, Georgetown officials installed a temporary pump to pull additional water from the city's connection with the city of Leander, according to the release. Since then, Georgetown has been receiving an average of 1 million to 1.5 million gallons per day from the connection.
The Southside Water Treatment Plant—which has been undergoing rehabilitation—passed initial regulatory testing Sept. 22, which gives the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 60 days to evaluate the results and clear the plant for water delivery.
City officials are working with TCEQ to shorten that timeline.
One more thing
Georgetown water customers can view their watering schedule here, and residents can report any Stage 2 violations here.