The city of Georgetown is enacting water use restrictions as a result of increasing landscape and lawn irrigation, a July 13 news release said.

The release said that as of July 12, the city’s water utility reached 85% of water treatment capacity on three consecutive days, thus enacting Stage One of the Georgetown Drought Contingency Plan, effective Tuesday, July 14.

During Stage One of the DCP, customers may not water their lawns between the hours of noon-7 p.m. Irrigating before noon or after 7 p.m. will avoid the hottest daytime hours and let the water reach the roots of a lawn, the release said.

“Our water customers should look to ensure they are not watering during the heat of the day,” Director of Water Utilities Glenn Dishong said in the release. “Watering during the hottest part of the day results in significant evaporation and water waste. We are enforcing our watering rules with the goal of avoiding more serious limits, such as watering only one day per week.”

The release said residents should make sure they are only watering on their scheduled days based on address*, not watering from noon-7 p.m. and never watering on Mondays.

Stage Two of the DCP is triggered when water use reaches 90% of capacity for three consecutive days. If water use continues to increase, further watering restrictions will be enacted.

*See attached graphic.