Updated 12:45 p.m. June 5

The Palace Theatre has rescheduled its planning showing of "Grease" out of respect for scheduled protests over the weekend, the theater announced June 5.

The screening of the film will now be held June 13 and 14, it said.

From earlier:

The Georgetown Palace Theatre will become a temporary move theater as performing arts centers remain closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The theater announced its plan to return to its roots as a movie theater in a May 26 letter to the public as it operated as one from 1925-89.

The screening will be outdoors with seating that allows for 6 feet of distancing, it said. Admission will be donation-based to help the Palace Theatre, and seating will be limited.

The first screening will be held June 5 with the film "Grease." The movie will begin at 8:45 p.m. with live music beginning at 8 p.m., it said. Attendees can reserve seating here.

The Palace Theatre also announced the rescheduling of its 2020-21 season. For more details, visit www.georgetownpalace.com.