Georgetown residents interested in serving on City Council or the Georgetown ISD board of trustees are now able to file for a place on the ballot.

The filing period for the May 3 election runs from Jan. 15-Feb. 14, according to the Texas Secretary of State.

The breakdown

The term for three school board and three city council positions expires in May, and together these six seats are scheduled to be on the local ballot this spring.

Georgetown City Council

Georgetown City Council districts 3, 4 and 7 are up for election. These positions are currently held by:
  • District 3: Mike Triggs, who has served since 2019
  • District 4: Ron Garland, who has served since 2022
  • District 7: Ben Stewart, who has served since 2022
Georgetown City Council members serve three-year terms.

They are elected to represent one of seven single-member districts in the city, meaning prospective candidates must be residents of the district they are hoping to serve for a period of at least 12 months before election day, according to a city news release. A map showing the seven council districts can be found here.

Completed filing paperwork should be submitted at City Hall, 808 Martin Luther King Jr. St., Georgetown.

Georgetown ISD

Georgetown ISD board of trustee positions 1, 2 and 3 are slated to be on the May ballot. These positions are currently held by:
  • Place 1: James Scherer, who was first elected to the GISD board in 2022
  • Place 2: Elizabeth McFarland, who was first elected to the GISD board in 2019
  • Place 3: Cody Hirt, who was first elected to the GISD board in 2022
Trustees serve are elected at-large, meaning they represent the entire district and can live anywhere within the district, to three-year terms.

Applications for a place on the ballot should be returned to the Hammerlun Center for Leadership and Learning at 507 E. University Ave., Georgetown.

What else?

For more information on specific qualification requirements, visit the Texas Secretary of State website.

The last day to register to vote in the May 3 election is April 3. Early voting will take place from April 22-29.

Information on voting in Williamson County will be available on the county’s elections website.