Williamson County announced a stay-at-home order March 24 asking residents to remain at home except for necessary trips to grocery stores and pharmacies or for essential work to be completed. The order also states that if individuals go outside, they should maintain the recommended 6 feet of distance.

The order went into effect at 11:59 p.m. March 24 and will continue through April 13.

While county officials said the county is focused on educating and informing the public about specifics of the order, noncompliance could result in a $1,000 fine or up to 180 days in jail.

"We are counting on your voluntary compliance with the Stay Home Stay Safe Order," the county website states. "Violating the order could result in possible fines and arrests."

To report violation of the order, call 512-943-1300 and press 1 then 3 when prompted. Reports can also be submitted to the Williamson County Crime stoppers at 800-253-7867.

Here is more information about what stay-at-home means.