Wayne Nero, Georgetown Police Chief, presents Officer Delta Jolly with an award. Wayne Nero, Georgetown Police Chief, presents Officer Delta Jolly with an award.[/caption]

The eighth annual Community Impact Summit & Cornerstone Awards took place at the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce on Thursday morning.

This event celebrates a shared community vision that states, "Georgetown, Texas will be the finest community of 100,000 or more in the United States."

This vision is based on the four cornerstones of education, health care, public safety and economic development.

This year's event featured presentations from community leaders in each of the cornerstone areas, including:

  • Health care: John Sullivan, chief, Georgetown Fire Department

  • Education: Dr. Edward Burger, president, Southwestern University

  • Public safety: Wayne Nero, chief, Georgetown Police Department

  • Economic development: Chet Garner, The Daytripper

Following each presentation, awards were given to a community member whose work exemplified a cornerstone area in 2016, including:

  • Health care: Suzy Pukys, vice president of strategic philanthropy, Georgetown Healthcare Foundation

  • Education: Dr. Fred Brent, superintendent, Georgetown ISD

  • Public safety: Delta Jolly, officer, Georgetown Police Department

  • Economic development, The Wolf family, Wolf Ranch properties