South Austin neighbors create bylawsWESTGATE, SOUTH MANCHACA AND GARRISON PARK The city of Austin is working with residents to develop three neighborhood plan contact teams for the South Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan.

On Nov. 6, Austin City Council approved the plan, a document outlining land-use options for the South Manchaca, Garrison Park and Westgate neighborhoods. City code requires contact teams to help implement the adopted plan.

Meetings have been in progress since January to help develop bylaws for the teams, said Margaret Valenti, contact team and education coordinator with the city’s Planning and Zoning Department.

“The community voted to have three unique teams, one for Westgate, one for Garrison Park and one for South Manchaca,” she said, noting each team will have its own set of bylaws.

After bylaws are approved, officer elections will be held, and contact teams will be established, Valenti said. There is no requirement for how many people can be on each team.

“It really just depends on the individual community,” she said.

Residents in the plan area who have not been participating in the process still have time to get involved, Valenti said.

More information is available at