Why are you running?

I made the decision to run for re-election after weighing the work our board has done in the past three years and realizing I still want to do more. In addition, the Tobias family has a legacy of serving in this community, and I want to continue that tradition.

What will be your top priority if elected?

Our district is facing many important challenges, so it would be difficult to pinpoint a top priority. I know that if elected I will work diligently alongside my fellow board members to improve our school district in all areas.

Why do you think you are qualified to be a trustee?

I believe my steady involvement with our school district prepared me to serve as a school board trustee. I have been an active community volunteer since I moved to Kyle over fourteen years ago. My community service includes city of Kyle committees, multiple school PTAs, Hays CISD district committees, booster clubs, and various special needs support groups. In addition, I am the parent of three Hays CISD students, and I care deeply about the children in this district.

Hays CISD will hold a bond election this year. Do you support the bond propositions? Why or why not?

I am supporting both of our bond propositions this election year. Our schools are experiencing record enrollment, and we need the new schools that the bond will fund. In addition, Proposition 2 will allow the district to add and improve some our career and technical education programs. I encourage our citizens to learn more about the bond propositions and how important they are to our district.

What is your opinion on the state's A-F accountability ratings?

Candidate Teresa Tobias did not respond to this question.

How well do you think the district does in attracting and retaining top educators?

Candidate Teresa Tobias did not respond to this question.