The Round Rock ISD board of trustees has appointed Edward Hanna to take the vacant Place 4 board seat.

Trustees made the decision Wednesday after deciding last week to forego a special election to fill the vacancy.

Hanna, a vice president at BBVA Compass who also serves on the board of directors of the Round Rock Chamber, thanked trustees Wednesday and said he hopes to serve RRISD well. 

Edward Hanna Edward Hanna, left, was sworn in Wednesday following his appointment to the Round Rock ISD board of trustees.[/caption]

"It's been a long road for me in trying to be active in the community and show my passion for things that are important to me and that are important to my wife and my family. So, thank you for your support,” he told trustees following his appointment.

The Place 4 seat was vacated in January following the resignation of Terri Romere, who was first elected to the board in 2010. According to state law, trustees can either call for an election or appoint a replacement member to take a vacant board seat.

There were 37 applicants for RRISD's vacancy, according to Corey Ryan, the district's executive director of communications and community relations.

Trustees nominated four applicants to interview Wednesday.

Along with Hanna, trustees interviewed Round Rock lawyer Tony Pitts, who ran unsuccessfully for election to the board in 2014 and 2016; Rick McElrath of Austin, a vice president for a fulfillment and services company; and Meghal Kantawala of Austin, a senior tax preparer.

The nominees were asked a series of five questions that touched on what they believed were RRISD's most pressing issues, the roles of the school board and superintendent, the nominees' previous decision-making experience, why three out of the four nominees chose not to run for three board seats that were up for election this past November and how the nominees have prepared for a pending board vote on calling a school bond election for May 6.

Hanna said he believed RRISD's most pressing issues included managing the district's growth; supporting career and technical education, or CTE; and improving communication between the district and RRISD parents.

His RRISD-related experience includes serving as chairman of the finance subcommittee on the district's 2017 citizen bond committee. Hanna also served on a bond oversight committee for RRISD's 2014 bond package.

Hanna has three children, two of whom are RRISD graduates, and one daughter currently attending school in the district. His wife is a former educator as well, he said. 

The current term for the Place 4 seat ends in 2018, meaning Hanna will need to run for election next year if he wishes to remain on the board.

RRISD has seven trustee positions on its board, which is responsible for adopting district policies, employing and evaluating the superintendent, approving the budget and capital improvement plans, and setting the tax rate, according to the district.

Trustees are elected at-large by voters and serve staggered four-year terms.