The Fort Bend ISD school board approved pay increases for teaching and non-teaching staff members at its May 18 meeting.
The new approved pay scale includes a starting teacher pay scale of $50,500 with uniform $500 increases in salary through a teacher’s 21st year. According to district officials, during the last budgeting cycle the administration’s updated scale implemented uniform $500 steps at the beginning of the scale. However, it was decided at the time to address step increases for years 11 through 17 in the 2015-16 budget cycle, which was approved May 18.
In addition, all existing teachers will receive a minimum raise of $1,000 with percentage increases in salary ranging from 1.6 to 3.4 percent. The average increase for teachers is 2.1 percent, FBISD officials said. The approved pay scale for teachers new to FBISD goes through year 25. Teachers who have 25 or more years of experience will receive the $1,000 raise.
Special education teachers will receive a $1,000 stipend and non-teacher salaries will increase by 2 percent of their respective mid-point.
FBISD administration officials said they believe the approved increases in salary will allow the school district to stay competitive with regard to teacher pay, and will also allow the district to have a balanced budget.