Due to an agreement worked out with Bee Cave City Council, the Hill Country Galleria now has much more flexibility regarding its signage through a decision that extends to the adjacent Sonesta Hotel.
On Dec. 11, Galleria General Manager Jim Hopping requested several amendments to city code dealing largely with issues related to off-premises business signage and advertising as well as the amendment of rules regarding signs behind glass, window graphics, construction barricade graphics, light pole banners, pedestrian directory signage, murals and vehicle sponsorship.
Included in the myriad changes, the revised ordinance grants permission for several different types of signage, such as pedestrian directories, stanchion signs and light pole banners, to advertise events and existing and forthcoming businesses with active permits within the Galleria.
Window signs are also permitted with certain caveats pertaining to coverage percentage depending on their location and visibility, and the owner of the Galleria must obtain permits on behalf of each tenant.
Murals, or “original art displays,” are limited to the north and west walls of the Whole Foods building within the Galleria and are capped at 200 square feet and 60 square feet in size, respectively.
The revised ordinance includes an off-premises signage section allowing for vehicle sign display, but with numerous caveats, including those limiting vehicle sign visibility from public streets.
Director of Planning and Development Lindsey Oskoui said the city has to be careful with how it permits off-premises signage, even that which pertains to vehicular signs.
“If your code allows for off-premise signage, you are automatically disqualified from applying for Scenic City status,” Oskoui said.
The city of Bee Cave was awarded a Platinum Scenic City status in October.
Between the Dec. 11 and Feb. 26 council meetings, the owner of the Sonesta Hotel, Adrian Overstreet, also requested placement of two signs on the building for its Meridian 98 restaurant. The signs would be 40.5 square feet on the east elevation and 94.75 square feet on the west elevation. Council also voted to allow the signs on the Sonesta Hotel.